3. Automotive Case Study_e-book

Behind the Wheel: Insights into Indonesia’s Automotive Market

We've connected with thousands of consumers from over 350 locations across Indonesia to uncover the key factors driving their automotive purchases. Our findings provide valuable insights into consumer behaviour, preferences, and trends, offering a clear roadmap for industry players to navigate this dynamic market.


Bounty was able to tap into car owners in a major way as our audience showed 2x the national average (16%) and 23% for the over 30s age group.


This report dives deep into the preferences and purchasing habits of Indonesian automotive consumers, with a particular focus on Millennials and Gen-Z. With 60% of respondents being female and 72% under the age of 30, the data reveals significant insights into the younger demographic, which is crucial for market players looking to tap into this highly desirable segment. 

Moreover, the report highlights strong purchase intent among respondents. It also sheds light on budget considerations, showing a preference for new vehicles within specific price ranges. Fuel efficiency, vehicle styling, and price emerge as the top three considerations for buyers, while brand name and entertainment systems rank lower. Additionally, the increasing popularity of digital wallets like Dana and Shopee Pay among vehicle owners underlines the importance of integrating digital payment solutions to enhance the customer experience. Understanding these insights allows businesses to tailor their strategies and capture the growing demand in Indonesia’s automotive market effectively.

Ready to leverage these insights for your business growth? Contact Bounty Media today and book your demo to explore how our data-driven approach can help you succeed in the Indonesian automotive market.

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